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Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us if you have a question or would like to volunteer at the museum.

We would also be pleased to hear from you if you have wartime stories, memories, photos or memorabilia.


The best way to contact us is via email, parhamairfield@yahoo.co.uk

Please bear in mind that the museum is run solely by busy volunteers, who answer emails as and when they can. We have had instances of emails slipping through the net or going to our junk mail. If you do not receive a response and you think you should have,  we encourage you to try sending your message again. Thank you for your patience. 

The museum's phone number is 01728 621373, but this is only answered during the Museum's opening times. The answerphone is switched on during the closed season, but it may be some time before messages are picked up.

For urgent calls, please call Peter Kindred on 07974 951 604.

The museum's full address is:

Parham Airfield Museum 
Parham Airfield
IP13 9AF


We are an incorporated charity (number 1201587).