Welcome to Our Website
At our AGM on 17th March, we welcomed Peter Senior as our new Chairman. Peter is a retired headteacher and brings a huge amount of experience, enthusiasm and knowledge to the team.
He is also a regular contributor to our monthly newsletter- sign up here if you would like to receive our monthly mailings.
From our Chair:-
Preparation for the 2019 season continues apace. Major additions to our displays include the P47 Thunderbolt cockpit control panel and the new POW room. We are grateful for a grant from the Association for Suffolk Museums to assist with the POW project. There will be more details of this in future newsletters.
Visitors will also see various new external signs. These have been made as authentically 1940s as possible, so don’t be put off if you are confronted with an army style 15mph speed limit warning, or a demand to show your pass to our new Military Policeman in the picket post!
Thank you to all those who attended our AGM on 17th March, at which the accounts were approved, and a new committee appointed. Peter Kindred was once more unanimously elected President, with Kath Kindred again Treasurer. It is almost impossible to list the amount of work they both do for the museum and we are all hugely grateful.
I was asked to be Chairman, with Chris Pratt Vice Chair, so you may well be hearing more from us in the future! Many thanks to all those volunteers who have helped us this winter. Our appreciation and best wishes also go to Tim Brett, who retired as Chair at the AGM and Julie Brett who retired as the Shop Manager.
I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible this year.