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If you like Parham, we think you might like this too....

22 June 2024

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 Bawdsey Radar Museum 

Bawdsey Radar Museum (www.bawdseyradar.org ) is just half an hour’s drive from Parham in the village of Bawdsey.   In 1937, RAF Bawdsey became the world’s first fully operational radar station.

The museum tells the story of radar, from the first experiment at Weedon, near Daventry in 1936, to the early trials on Orfordness, the creation at Bawdsey of an  early warning system that was crucial to the Allied victory in the Battle of Britain and the many other uses that radar was used for in war and peace.

Like Parham’s museum, the radar museum is part of Liberation Route Europe (wwp.lre-uk.org , www.liberationeurope.com), a network of museums, organisations and locations across nine countries in Europe that highlights the history and heritage of the Second World War and which focusses on remembrance and education.