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Volunteer Chris Pratt's Podcast on the British Resistance

13 April 2021

BRO volunteer Chris Pratt has recently done a podcast with Dr James Rogers for his History Hit Warfare Podcast discussing the GHQ Auxiliary Units. You can listen to the podcast and learn more about Britain's Secret Army using the link below:
Dr Rogers also visited Parham Airfield Museum whilst making a documentary on Joe Kennedy Juniors's fatal crash. He has produced a very interesting 12 minute video which can be viewed here:

Read more on Volunteer Chris Pratt's Podcast on the British Resistance

Newsletter- Opt In Now!

19 November 2020

If you would like to receive emails from Parham Airfield Museum including newsletters, details of upcoming events and occasional details of our fundraising schemes, please click here:-

Read more on Newsletter- Opt In Now!

August's Newsletter is now available

8 August 2020

As the temperature here in Parham soars, we hope that your spirits do too.

We are pleased to hear that for the first time since March,
Suffolk has had no recorded cases of Covid 19 for a full week- long may this continue. 

Please click here to read this newsletter.   

This edition includes contributions from new supporters, news of an exciting award
and, for a bit of fun, as today is National Sneak-Some-Zucchini-on-Your-Neighbour's-Porch day,
there are even 3 zucchinis (or courgettes for our British readers!) hidden amongst the pages. 

Read more on August's Newsletter is now available

Can you help with editing our film?

23 June 2020

We are trying to make a film about the British Resistance Organisation to play on a loop in our new mini cinema. We are wanting to use some MP4 films, plus clips from You Tube, as well as some still photos (PNG and JPG). We then have some text that a volunteer would read over the top.

Read more on Can you help with editing our film?

Our latest Newsletter

15 June 2020

Today marks the start of Small Charity Week in the UK-
what perfect timing to send out our latest newsletter. 

There are an incredible 160,934 small charities in the UK and Parham Airfield Museum is one of them! 
Once again, we would like to thank our amazing volunteers who ensure the continued success of the museum.

Read more on Our latest Newsletter

March-April's Newsletter

11 April 2020

Well, we are certainly living through very strange
and worrying times at the moment.

When we wrote the introduction to the last newsletter,
the coronavirus was barely on our radar and
now it is almost the only thing that anyone can think about.

We hope this newsletter finds you well. 
Perhaps reading our newsletter will bring some respite from all
that is going on in the world currently.

Take care wherever you are and whatever you are doing. 

Please click here for our
latest newsletter. 

This edition includes:
a look back to the 50th VE Day celebrations, 
the latest photo journal of progress on our new building
a bumper archivist's report and more. 

Read more on March-April's Newsletter


24 March 2020

Covid-19 is affecting several aspects of museum life at the moment.

Read more on Covid-19

AGM- Important Information

18 March 2020

Because of government advice about self distancing to avoid infection, the AGM will go ahead as planned this Sunday BUT the public should NOT attend and volunteers are strongly advised not to either, unless they already know that they form part of an essential quorum. The meeting may be broadcast virtually via Facetime or similar.

Read more on AGM- Important Information

Joe Kennedy Play Cancelled

18 March 2020

Sadly the Joe Kennedy plays have been cancelled due to Covid-19. 

Read more on Joe Kennedy Play Cancelled