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Honouring the 390th

18 April 2019

Have you seen that our archivist Jennie Smith is now featuring an Airman of the Month in our newsletter? Each month, Jennie shares photos and experiences from one of the 742 men of the 390th who gave their life for our freedom. 

Read more on Honouring the 390th

Welcome to our New Chairman

4 April 2019

At our AGM on 17th March, we welcomed Peter Senior as our new Chairman. Peter is a retired headteacher and brings a huge amount of experience, enthusiasm and knowledge to the team.

Read more on Welcome to our New Chairman

Oral History- Visitors' Memories

8 February 2019

Memories of the 390th from visitors to the Museum.

Read more on Oral History- Visitors' Memories

December's Newsletter

7 January 2019

We are trialling a new mailing platform for sending out our monthly newsletter. 

Read more on December's Newsletter

LeRoy Keeping

9 November 2018

It is with regret that we announce the death of LeRoy Keeping.

Read more on LeRoy Keeping

Next Newsletter

6 November 2018

Our next newsletter will be emailed very shortly. 

Read more on Next Newsletter

Object of the Year Award- Please Vote for Ours!

30 July 2018

Parham Airfield Museum has entered an object for the Association of Suffolk Museums 'Object of the Year' award. The theme is 'hidden history' and the Museum's chosen item is its Walt Disney Film editor.  Please help us by voting for our object on the following page:- 

Read more on Object of the Year Award- Please Vote for Ours!