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New Season Opening Update

9 March 2020

We look forward to opening again for 2020 on Sunday 5th April.

Read more on New Season Opening Update

VE Day Opening

8 March 2020

Advance Notice:-

Read more on VE Day Opening

Have you seen our latest newsletter?

5 March 2020

This edition includes:
-news of an amazing 100 year-old sky diving 390th Veteran
-a surprise visit from a descendant
-a photo diary of our new building project
and more. 

Please click here for our
latest newsletter. 

Read more on Have you seen our latest newsletter?

*Play about Joe Kennedy to be performed at the Museum* #75thVEDay

29 February 2020

*NEW EVENT* We are pleased to announce that a new play about the life of Joe Kennedy, who was sadly killed whilst flying over Suffolk, will be shown at 4pm & 7pm at the museum on Saturday 9th May.
This play will tell the dramatic and tragic story of Joe Kennedy Jnr, the elder brother of JFK, who as a young man seemed destined to become President of the United States – until, that is, the Second World War intervened. No Ordinary Joe; No Ordinary Kennedy examines Joe’s complex character, and traces events which led Joe to volunteering for a top-secret and highly dangerous mission, in which he was required to fly a Liberator plane packed with explosives and bail out before it crossed the Channel. Tragically his plane exploded over Blythburgh, Suffolk killing him and his co-pilot.
The event will be part of our 75th VE Day commemorations.
Tickets can be bought from our giftshop when we open again for the new season or from this link: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/ink-festival/ink-on-tour-no-ordinary-joe-no-ordinary-kennedy/e-jmgqpk
Get yours quickly- we think this event will be popular!
Image may contain: possible text that says 'NO ORDINARY JOE NO ORDINARY KENNEDY The flight that changed history'

Read more on *Play about Joe Kennedy to be performed at the Museum* #75thVEDay

Our Museum features in Joe Kennedy documentary

21 December 2019

Yale historian, James Rogers, has been researching Joseph Kennedy’s last fateful mission, ‘Operation Anvil’, which resulted in his plane exploding over Blythburgh in Suffolk.

Read more on Our Museum features in Joe Kennedy documentary

We Need YOU!

18 October 2019

We are in need of extra volunteers to help man the museum, meet and greet visitors, help with closed-season work parties or serve in our tea room and gift shop.

Read more on We Need YOU!

Tea Dance- Buy Your Tickets Now!

7 September 2019

Our ever-popular tea dance at the museum will be on Sunday 6th October from 2-6pm.

Read more on Tea Dance- Buy Your Tickets Now!

Good News- Trip Advisor 'Certificate of Excellence'

13 June 2019

As a result of our consistently brilliant reviews on Trip Advisor, we are delighted to share the great news that we have just received a Trip Advisor 2019 ‘Certificate of Excellence’.

Read more on Good News- Trip Advisor 'Certificate of Excellence'

New Season Success

20 April 2019

The new season has started well despite some cold days which effects visitor numbers. We welcomed over 120 new and returning visitors on our opening day- the tea room was packed, see below! 

Read more on New Season Success